【ENG SUB】《香蜜沉沉烬如霜 Ashes of Love》EP 23 | 花界精灵误入红尘,与天界战神情缠三生 | 杨紫、邓伦、罗云熙、陈钰琪 | 古装神话爱情剧

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*************************************** ВЫГОДНЫЙ ОБМЕН ВСЕХ ВАЛЮТ ОНЛАЙН

Ashes of Love
主演:#杨紫 、#邓伦 、#罗云熙 、#陈钰琪

纵使贵为神尊,仍不免为情所困,落入自家的红尘落网。花神梓芬被爱情几乎夺去性命,弥留之际,她将陨丹喂给刚出生不久女儿锦觅(杨紫 饰),以帮她断情绝爱,免去万年之中的一场情劫。母亲去世后,锦觅在结界的保护下过着悠然自在的生活。然而随着年岁的长大,她开始对外面的世界充满好奇。命中注定的机缘,锦觅救下了天帝之子旭凤(邓伦 饰)。以此为机缘,锦觅第一次跨过结界,随着旭凤来到天界。在相处的过程中,高傲的旭凤渐渐对这个机灵可爱的小花神动了心。同样对锦觅动心的还有旭凤的哥哥润玉(罗云熙 饰)。
Zi Fen, the Flower Deity, dies after giving birth to a daughter, Jin Mi. Before her death, Zi Fen foresaw that Jin Mi would encounter a fatal love trial and fed her daughter an 'Unfeeling Pill' to prevent her from developing any romantic feelings. Zi Fen also instructed the leaders of the Flower Realm to keep Jin Mi's identity a secret and had her kept locked in a water boundary within the Flower Realm.
Several thousand years later, Jin Mi has grown up into an innocent and naive sprite who longs to see the world outside of the Flower Realm. When Xu Feng, the Fire Deity and second son of the Heavenly Emperor, accidentally lands in the Flower Realm after being attacked during his phoenix rebirth process, Jin Mi nurses Xu Feng back to health and demands that he takes her along with him when he leaves the Flower Realm. This is where Jin Mi's adventure and love trial begins as she explores the realms and meets various immortals & demons.


#香蜜沉沉烬如霜 #倚天屠龍記 #AshesofLove #长相思 #长月烬明 #杨紫 #罗云熙 #邓伦 #书卷一梦 #LostYouForever #森宇热播剧场 #大陆电视剧 #古装剧
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